The wise man began by asking the small group of people sitting with him, to solve this problem, “How can a man be at an event he did not attend?”

The group members looked at each other bewildered, not sure they had heard the question correctly. Puzzled, one man responded, “Sir, if I heard your question accurately, ‘How can a man be at an event he did not attend,’ then I would have to say in response, that he can’t”

The wise man sat patiently and spoke, “Yes, you heard the question accurately—and sir, you’re response is incorrect. How can one be at an event if his mind, his senses, his spirit, are all absent? You can send your body to the event, but without the fore mentioned, it could be said that you were not there. You may even have a slight recollection, absent of any substance. The real question we must address is, ‘were you in attendance?’ This means not merely making an appearance, it also means, did you make yourself available to the event; were your mind, body, senses and spirit present as well; did you partake in the event?

Was there an active awareness on your part, of being present, such as participation, observation, perception—were you in a state of readiness to involve yourself in the event? Also, was your attention at the event? Were you able to discern between our surroundings, were you conscious of the moment, were you alert, receptive and mindful of your environment?”

The same man responded with, “I now understand the answer to the riddle you presented. Did I show up—or was I really there, all of me?”

“Yes,” the wise man answered.

“But sir—is this process the same with human conversation and communication?” the man inquired.

“Yes, however, there are often two more steps involved with this type of interactivity. First, the question of assimilation arises in which a consideration must be given to your ability to differentiate and digest what is being discussed. Is there a realization of content and context, and are you absorbing the spirit of the interaction? In other words, are you learning? Second, is the moment of insight, that superior sense of comprehension and complete understanding, that moment of penetration into the nature of the lesson, does it immediately transform the mind? I hope I’ve been clear. Do you understand?”

“So, Sir, what or how does this impact communication and conversation?

The wise man was quick to respond, “It is because of this process that one feels a connection with the other person and with what’s being communicated. This process serves as the catalyst to making the connection meaningful and coherent to the parties involved. It serves as evidence that contact has been established.”

“Now I understand, Sir. Thank you for your time.”

V.P. Mosser

©2001-2008 V.P. Mosser
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Successful entrepreneur, V.P. Mosser is the creator of the Learn the Lessons Series, the Life's Journey publication and numerous thought-provoking articles. To learn more and receive free chapters or issues, visit

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