LTLT-What's it all about?

The purpose of Learn the Lessons Technologies (LTLT) is designed to facilitate a shift in our focus and to learn how to learn. It is our intent to teach people how to operate their minds. We make an honest and sincere attempt to jump start your learning desires. What you’ll find included here is what was excluded from school—how to think vs. what to think. It is our intent to facilitate the process of learning, rather than control the content of the learning.

As it is today, schools concentrate on filling the student’s mind with a lot of information, and hope at some point that some of the information will be useful. They don’t provide any context regarding how the information is relevant or useful. Instead, we want to help you inhabit what you are learning, to make you an active participant in the learning process, instead of a passive receptacle to whom teaching is done. Doing is part of knowing. We want to help you prepare for when you get your license to drive your mind on your own.

It is absolutely imperative that we take responsibility for our own learning, to maintain a receptive approach to the lessons in nature, and in life, to question the people we are, the people we are becoming, and the courage to be who we are. True learning should mature the talent that already waits dormant within each of us, invisible, inaudible, untouched. This is the only way to transform our world and humanity. A world of automatons is restrictive and inhumane, and is the result of the approach in the current educational system. This must stop.

Robert Sinclair stated, We don’t learn anything from our experience. We only learn from reflecting on our experience. Why is it, that one does not see the wisdom in something so personal as reflection and meditation (just thinking upon things)? After all, you are the only teacher you will ever have. Contrary to what we’re led to believe, much learning does not teach understanding. (Heraclitus). Understanding is born of reflection and insight.

According to Michael Gerber, Society needs to experience a call to learning. How to feel, think, and act differently, and more humanly than our existing skills and understanding allow. After all, learning new things won’t help the person who isn’t using what he already knows. Learning comes with listening to our mistakes. As we’re all aware, lessons can be camouflaged by our resistance to them.

The bottom line is this; you are enrolled in a full-time informal school called ‘life’. Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like or dislike the lessons, but you have designed them as part of your own curriculum. And make no mistake, life is a persistent teacher. It will keep repeating lessons for you, until they are learned. As W. Edwards Deming states, Learning is not compulsory . . . neither is survival. Lessons we learn on our own, through understanding and discoveries that we find ourselves are more meaningful, than those taught to us by others.

You must remember that positive lessons are not always taught in positive ways. And, be mindful that some people drink from the fountain of knowledge—others only gargle—and still others won’t even take a drink. You must be able to discern the difference between them. You will also come to realize that open-ended questions will yield unanticipated answers, which provide you with fresh ideas you hadn’t considered. I will leave you with this by Abigail Adams, “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.

V.P. Mosser

©2001-2008 V.P. Mosser
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Successful entrepreneur, V.P. Mosser is the creator of the Learn the Lessons Series, the Life's Journey publication and numerous thought-provoking articles. To learn more and receive free chapters or issues, visit

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