Very often in life we are required to act, to behave, to follow through, even when we, ‘don’t feel like it.’ There are obligations and expectations to and from others, of us, to perform in some agreed upon fashion. Some of us will do what is necessary, while others will not. So, what is the difference between these two groups?

The difference usually boils down to some form of commitment, conviction, or dedication; it may even be a combination of these factors. These are the real drivers in life, the forces that propel and push us forward even when, or especially when, ‘we don’t feel like it.’ They are the antidotes that keep us engaged in our relationships with others, and with ourselves. This is the way in which we transfer trust and confidence of ourselves to others.

Commitment is a promise or assurance, a determination to follow through in spite of whatever doubts we may experience about an unseen future. You’re either in, or you’re out—there is no in-between. It is the personal belief that this undertaking is so worthwhile that you vow, no matter what, to press on. You’ll accept no excuses—there is no out available to you.

Marriage is an example of an emotional commitment, a decision to a union with a partner that is somewhat supreme and special from all other relationships. An intimacy is born out of this emotional commitment and it ignites a passion between the two participants that is truly unique to them.

Commitment can also lead to a resolve, such as that to an original mind and heart, or to change the world. Commitment is a personal decision, a personal evaluation to a purpose that fits with your life needs. A decision creates a destiny, a destiny born out of commitment.

Conviction is a personal commitment to your own beliefs and values. Conviction is made with the heart—not the brain. A conviction means that you are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, you cannot be dissuaded, and you cannot be broken from your persuasion on a subject. It may often manifest itself as stubbornness.

Dedication represents a devotion to a purpose. One makes a resolution to something that is unconditional. The priesthood is an example of the dedication to a set of beliefs and a lifestyle. People will also often dedicate themselves to a cause, like Greenpeace. Dedication lies in the promise of your time and effort to something outside yourself that you feel is important and significant.

As I’m sure you can see by now, these are forces that serve to move our lives forward in spite of our feelings or misgivings and that facilitate the creation of a life that you have promised to yourself and others. These are the stepping stones to a purposeful and meaningful life.

V.P. Mosser

©2001-2008 V.P. Mosser
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Successful entrepreneur, V.P. Mosser is the creator of the Learn the Lessons Series, the Life's Journey publication and numerous thought-provoking articles. To learn more and receive free chapters or issues, visit

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